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Welcome To Holy Spirit Church

Holy Spirit is a vibrant Catholic community that is inspired by the spirit of faith, hope and love. We are blessed with generous, talented people with minds that believe, hearts that hope, and souls that love. We encourage you to share in the Spirit.

Get In Touch
(718) 436-5565
1712 45th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11204

Our Location


We receive the grace of the forgiveness of original sin and all personal sins.


Baptism is an incredible gift from God. In this Sacrament we receive the grace of the forgiveness of original sin and all personal sins, and we become the adopted sons and daughters of God and members of his family, the church.

ENGLISH BAPTISMS: 1st Sunday of the month at 2:00 P.M. Parents must make arrangements at the Rectory. Bring child’s Birth Certificate. Preparatory Session, Last Saturday of the Month at 10:00AM in the rectory basement.

BAUTISMOS EN ESPAÑOL: Primer y Tercer Sábado del mes a las 2:00 P.M. requisitos: Certificado de Nacimiento. Clases de Bautismo: Segundo Miércoles del mes 7:00 P.M. en la rectoría.

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